We know you’re in the middle of summer and probably not thinking of cooler temperatures quite yet. However, before you know it, fall will be here—and so will the need to aerate your lawn. At
Lawn Plus LLC, we encourage Dayton residents to get a head start on fall lawn maintenance by scheduling aeration in advance. The closer you get to the ideal aeration weather, the more our schedule fills up.
What is aeration?
You may be wondering what
aeration is and why you even need to aerate your lawn in the first place. Well, let the simple answer be that your grass needs to breathe. After a hot summer, yards tend to be dry and lacking nutrients down in the roots. Aeration removes small plugs of soil throughout your lawn, allowing oxygen and other nutrients to get beneath the surface.
Why do I need to aerate in the fall?
Another great question. We recommend that Ohio residents aerate in the fall to give grass that extra boost it needs before going dormant for winter. That way, when it reemerges next spring, it has all the strength and vitality it needs to get off to a healthy start.
Do you offer other fall lawn maintenance?
Yes! In addition to aeration, we can also apply a specially formulated fertilizer that helps
winterize your lawn. Winterization helps your lawn become green faster in the spring. Additionally, we can help with fall cleanup, removing leaves and other debris so it doesn’t stay on your lawn beneath the winter snow.
How do I schedule my fall lawn care?
This part is simple. To schedule aeration or any other
lawn maintenance, all you have to do is
contact Lawn Plus at
(937) 839-5296. Our staff will answer all your
questions and get your lawn services on the schedule.
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